I've explained how the upload works, that is the most difficult part to understand. I think that My Account, Search and Community will be easier to write about, because a lot of sites have similar workspaces.
My account. This is where you'll configure all the info that you want to show to the community: name, email, country, language, blog/web page and some other stuff that could be useful if you want other users to contact you. You'll have, in addition, an instant message system in Panal, but remember, the more information you give about yourself, the easier is to reach you! The contact between users is very important, because its what it will really make things work. Imagine that you have a song, a reggae song, for example, and you want a guitar solo. You look for good reggae guitar players, and you ask them to add a file to the song, and there you are!
The files you have uploaded and downloaded will appear here with the posts and messages you have done and received, and your "Friends" in the community, the people you choose because you are more related to.
Search. This works as most of the search engines. You may search any file of Panal by name, instrument, tempo, key or time signature, user, etc.You can listen to the files there or download it to your computer to work with them later.
Community. This label will take you to Groups, Forum and Orders.
Groups: As you could have similar interests with other users (a kind of music or the educational work, as examples) you would like to have a place where you could chat or write about them, send your stuff. This groups will work as -virtual- meeting places to make easier to meet and reach to know other users.
Forum: is a list, like an email group, where you may ask questions about Panal, socialize learnings. All the interaction will be between users, helping each others.
Orders: When you have a song and you want to add it something, you can order it here. "Sitar in D for an Intro", "Jazz drum, 120 b.p.m.", "Solo for a beatles-kind song" could be some examples of orders in here.